Hanafusa Okiya is a new established Okiya who wish to provide authentic and strict education for those who wish to have a very authentic geiko life in sl.
Devotion, Strict,Honor,Respect and friendship are vital to Hanafusa Okiya.
Hanafusa Okiya were established on January 12th 2012 by Okaasan Kikuyu.
This Okiya you can find in Miyagawa cho Hanamachi (Duchess Island)
Currently taking in applications for review
Time era present day
Contact Okaasan Kikuyu in world for an application form to apply
Miyagawacho Hanamachi
Hanafusa Okiya is a new established Okiya who wish to provide authentic and strict education for those who wish to have a very authentic geiko life in sl.
Miyagawacho Hanamachi is centered around the life of the Kagai the flower and willow world but what not so many know is that there are many who take part in the daily life of the Kagai, not just Geiko.
With it's tiny alleyways and Machiya giving a homely feel and a sense of being there, to the serene gardens creating a relaxing atmosphere, Miyagawa-cho has it all for the Sl role player who wishes to submerge themselves in the Flower World culture.
Miyagawa-cho currently has two Okiya. One is vacant awaiting a new Okaasan, the other is the recreation of the famous Hanafusa Okiya owned and run by Okaasan Geiko Kikuyu.
Along with her 3 Shikomi she is building an Okiya which holds true to the traditional values of Geisha (Geiko) as opposed to the common media fuelled belief of Geiko as being call girls.
As the Shikomi grow and learn and mature into beautiful Maiko and onwards to Geiko, so will this new Hanamachi. What better time to set up your home and business here than now. Watch the town develop around you, be a part of it's growth and become family. SLurl
Below is a list of positions available for those who wish to role play within Miyagawa-cho. Please apply to Okaasan Kikuyu if you would like to know more
Kimono Designer
--------Qualifications - Terms----------
1 - Know how to seperate the different types of Kimono in a manner of seconds because you know it from before.
2 - Know the different motifs fitting young children, teens young women/man and seperate between a grown women/matron wife/husband/ and other outfits that had its growth from Kimono.
3 - Know how to seperate Kabuki outfits with Geiko and maiko outfits.
4 - Need to be able to be taken in for lectures at the Nyokoba ( geisha school)
5 - Must be rp only in Hanamachi of Miyagawacho (Dundee) an no other kagai/hanamachi ( can rp in other sim that dont involve geisha/maiko)
6 - Online times have to be present in the Hanamachi at a regular basis ( at least 3 days a week in all together at least 3 hours on those days)
7 - You will not be paid any allowance but will have a tip jar were anyone can tip you for your service/knowledge
8 - You cannot be active within other sim/groups that have a frown material of either violence or sex ( in this case you will have to hide the groups or not work in Miyagwacho)
9 - you have to wear a outfit of Japanese nature that consist with how a kimono designer dress.
10 - you can be either Women or man old or young ( have to be over your 20ts to consist with the education to become kimono designer plus to be a somewhat of older nature)
Nyokoba Teacher
,.,.,.,.qualifications & Terms,.,.,.,.
1 - Dress code is for women:
Tomesode/Irotomesode or a finer silk kimono
for men:
Hakama, or kimono
casual when not in class men wear hakama/yukata/komon
Women wear Yukata/Komon
2 - Must know how to behave and act as a teacher introduction class will be given to all who are accepted.
3 - Online times - you have to be present at all Scheduled class times and also a series of 3 days a week minimum of 2 hours those days
4 - You will not be paid any allowance but will have a tip jar were anyone can tip you for your service/knowledge
5 - Must be rp only in Hanamachi of Miyagawacho (Dundee) an no other kagai/hanamachi ( can rp in other sim that dont involve geisha/maiko)
6 You can be a teacher in up too 2 classes but nothing more.
You have to be condiered quite knowledgable or expert at the classes you will teach.
7 - classes you may teach are as follow:
Japanese in the Kyo ben /Kensai Ben
Sports in Japan
Instrumental description and analyse and Instrumental use
Guest teachers can be in Kimono knowledge
Food knowledge and Instrument Knowledge as well as Nature of Zen and Religion.
8 - You cannot be active within other sim/groups that have a frown material of either violence or sex ( in this case you will have to hide the groups or not work in Miyagwacho)
Sushi boy/girl
1 - you have to wear a outfit of japanese nature that consist with how a kimono designer dress.
2 - You will not be paid any allowance but will have a tip jar were anyone can tip you for your service/knowledge
3 - You cannot be active within other sim/groups that have a frown material of either violence or sex ( in this case you will have to hide the groups or not work in Miyagwacho)
4 - you can be either women or man age dont matter as long as its age 23 +
5 - Must be rp only in Hanamachi of Miyagawacho (Dundee) an no other kagai/hanamachi ( can rp in other sim that don't involve geisha/maiko)
6 - Online times have to be present in the Hanamachi at a regular basis ( at least 3 days a week in all together at least 3 hours on those days) But also when Ochaya is scheduled.
7 - You may be requested to give lectures at the Nyokoba about Keiseki cousine and Japanese food.
8 - You will have to have a good knowledge around the Keiseki cousine in Kyoto, and traditional Japanese food, especially around Kyoto.
Ochaya Worker
,.,.,.,.qualifications & Terms,.,.,.,.
1 - Dress code is Tomesode or irotomesode when working and Yukata during summer/komon the other seasons.
2 - Must know how to behave and act when at ozashiki. Course in this how it will work in Miyagawacho will be given over a three day introducton class with those who are accepted.
3 - Online times - you have to be present at all ochaya times and also a series of 3 days a week minimum of 3 hours those days
4 - You will not be paid any allowance but will have a tip jar were anyone can tip you for your service/knowledge
5 - Must be rp only in Hanamachi of Miyagawacho (Dundee) an no other kagai/hanamachi ( can rp in other sim that dont involve geisha/maiko)
6 - Due to in RL you have to be women for this job. Men come to relax at ochaya not be served by them unless it is male geisha.
7 - You cannot be active within other sim/groups that have a frown material of either violence or sex ( in this case you will have to hide the groups or not work in Miyagwacho)
Monk - Expertice on Religion ( Buddha or Shinto)
,.,.,.,.qualifications & Terms,.,.,.,.
1 - Dress code is outfit of the Monk ( present time) if you are not a monk but expert within the Religion you may wear Hakama/Kimono or yukata during Summer
2 - Must know how to behave and act as a Monk.
3 - Online times - a series of 3 days a week minimum of 2 hours those days
4 - You will not be paid any allowance but will have a "tip jar" were anyone can tip you for your service/knowledge
5 - Must be rp only in Hanamachi of Miyagawacho (Dundee) an no other kagai/hanamachi ( can rp in other sim that dont involve geisha/maiko)
6 - You may be requested for classes at the Nyokoba.
7 - You cannot be active within other sim/groups that have a frown material of either violence or sex ( in this case you will have to hide the groups or not work in Miyagwacho)